non-UK) No significant findings arose for these variables, thus

non-UK). No significant findings arose for these variables, thus they will not be discussed again. First, we looked at the two samples together, examining the perceived impacts of visits on the environment and on the visitor. We then explored any differences between coastal experts’ and coastal users’ ratings. To calculate the total perceived risk to the environment, perceived commonness of each activity was multiplied by perceived harmfulness (see

supplementary material for the individual means). As shown in Table 1, it was found that activities did significantly differ in terms of their perceived risk to the environment; with rock pooling, fishing 3-MA in vivo and crabbing seen to have the highest risk to the shore, and cycling, swimming and sunbathing/relaxing having the least. Qualitative data in response to if there was one visitor-related behaviour you would change in regard

to damage caused to rocky shore species or habitats, what would it be and why emphasised problematic activities and behaviours further. A total of 106 comments (25 from coastal experts, 81 from the non-expert sample) were collected. From their comments, three AC220 mouse prominent themes were found: Littering, lack of rock pooling ethics and general disturbance. Littering represented comments directly referring to the leaving of rubbish (e.g. generally, food-related, fishing, or dog fouling). For instance, “…The rubbish left behind is an eye sore and potentially dangerous to other visitors or the wildlife”. Lack of rock pooling ethics generally referred to acting in an inconsiderate manner in the rock pools (e.g. displaying general lack of knowledge, not turning boulders back, not returning organisms) that can lead to “…exposing animals and plants to the drying air is not good and will

change the ecology of a location in time”. The final theme, general disturbance, covers comments that addressed more generally Liothyronine Sodium the disturbance by visitors to the habitat and the wildlife such as from walking over the rocks or from rock pooling or crabbing, e.g. “…in terms of disturbing the habitat of shore creatures.” Littering behaviours were mentioned the most ( Table 2). All activities were perceived to have a positive impact on visitors’ mood, as all values were above the no change value of 3 for one-sample t-tests (all ps < 0.001; Table 3). Activities were found to differ from one another in terms of change in mood; as walking, wildlife watching and snorkelling were seen to have the most positive impact, whereas cycling, fossil hunting and jogging had the least positive impact ( Table 3). For the excitement scale, any values below 3 represent calming feelings, whilst values above 3 represent increased feelings of excitement. One-sample t-tests found that playing with the family, crabbing, snorkelling, rock pooling, fossil hunting and cycling were seen to make visitors feel more excited (all ps < 0.02).

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