Most of the published connectivity restoration schemes are purely

Most of the published connectivity restoration schemes are purely reactive sellekchem [2�C5], triggering the recovery process once the failure of a node is detected. Reactive schemes may not be suitable for mission-critical time-sensitive applications due to procrastination. Moreover, existing recovery schemes lack rigorous validation and entirely rely on non-formal validation i.e., simulation. Simulation-based results are useful only for statistical performance analysis and do not guarantee the correctness of the approach that is crucial in safety-critical applications. Therefore, we advocate the use of complementary validation techniques for connectivity restoration algorithms, especially in safety-critical applications.
Formal methods are advanced mathematics-based techniques, having computer tool support, used for modeling and formal specification of complex Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries and critical systems. Z notation [6] is a model-centered approach based on sets, sequences, bags, relations, functions and predicate logic which is used at an abstract level of specification of systems. Z can be used for specifying behavior of distributed as well as sequential programs because of its accommodation of abstract data types.This paper presents a Partitioning detection and Connectivity Restoration (PCR) algorithm that proactively identifies critical/non-critical nodes and rapidly repairs the topology in case of critical node failure. Each actor determines whether it is critical or not based on localized information and designates a suitable neighbor as a backup that continuously monitors and triggers a recovery in case of primary failure.
The algorithm is recursively executed until all actors become connected. We use formal and non-formal techniques for correctness and performance validation. We model a WSAN network as a dynamic graph and transform PCR into a corresponding formal Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries specification using Z notation. This formal specification is analyzed and validated using the Z Eves tool [7]. Moreover, the performance of PCR is validated through extensive simulations. The simulation results confirm the effectiveness of PCR and Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries the results are shown to outperform contemporary schemes found in the literature.It is worth noting that our algorithm does not require additional actors, despite providing adequate redundancy.
To the best of our Inhibitors,Modulators,Libraries knowledge, this is the first effort that employs formal (formal specification) and non-formal (simulation) techniques for rigorous validation of recovery schemes. It is worth mentioning that our algorithm is equally applicable Dacomitinib for mobile sensor networks and mobile robot networks.This paper Crizotinib buy is organized as follows: Section 2 discusses the system model and problem statement. The related work is discussed in Section 3. The proposed PCR algorithm is detailed in Section 4. Section 5 presents the formal specification and analysis of PCR.

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