It modifies Kaufman and Tanr��’s [3] dense dark vegetation (DDV) algorithm for use with CHRIS imagery over a rugged, forested terrain surrounding several urban areas in Hong Kong.Data collected by the Hong Kong Polytechnic University AERONET station since its establishment in 2005, show aerosol levels to be high, compared with other urban stations worldwide, with, for example a mean AOT of 0.69 for the 440 nm band, compared with 0.57 for Beijing, 0.55 for Singapore, 0.22 for Rome, and 0.24 for Goddard Space Flight Center. It is likely that the largest proportion of Hong Kong’s pollution originates from adjacent rapidly industrializing areas of the Chinese mainland, but with only 14 air quality stations, the occurrence and intensity of trans-boundary air pollution is difficult to establish.
For example, although Lo et al. [9] emphasize the importance of cross-boundary air pollution from the Chinese mainland, and Yuan et al. [10] affirm that the source of 60-70% of PM10 is outside Hong Kong, Civic Exchange [11] maintains that local sources are dominant 53% of the time.The DDV algorithm, was devised for MODIS wavebands to measure the transparency of the atmosphere over areas of dense vegetation which are dark in blue and red bands. The technique compares a shortwave infra-red (SWIR 2,100 nm) band which is almost transparent to fine mode aerosols and thus represents reflectance at the surface (Lsurf), with another such as blue or red which have low reflectance over dense vegetation but are not transparent to aerosols.
The reflectance due to aerosol can be obtained from an empirical GSK-3 ratio established between Lsurf of these long and short wavelength bands. This ratio is given as 0.25 and 0.5 for blue and red bands respectively [12], but different relationships have been established for different environments, and Levy et al. [13] found 0.33 and 0.65 over the East Coast USA, whereas Lee et al. [14] Entinostat found 0.31 and 0.88 in Korea. Aerosol reflectance is then converted to a unitless measure, Aerosol Optical Thickness (AOT) using a radiative transfer model such as 6S or SBDART, with the input of other parameters such as atmospheric humidity and aerosol type. A strong empirical relationship between Lsurf in the SWIR and visible bands is essential for operation of the DDV algorithm, which Remer et al. [15] give as R=0.75 and R=0.93 for blue and red bands respectively, but note considerable seasonal variation, as well as between urban and rural, and tropical and non-tropical sites.2.