If many scenarios and hypotheses are to be explored, it seems more adequate to have a model interface targeted at scientists
rather than stakeholders, i.e., it should be flexible, generic, compute fast, and generate synthetic and clear output. A model interface with buttons, menus, etc. obliges the modelling to follow some fixed and pre-defined lines set up by the original model developer, and this may come at costs in terms of flexibility to address new thoughts and ideas, and may create parameterization issues if data is lacking to fit the model frame [82]. Three out of our four cases (pelagic, Mediterranean, Nephrops) made use of the FLR modelling framework [72]. Based on the R freeware (R development Core Team 2010), this framework is far from what could be considered a user-friendly interface, and requires advanced technical skills and an initial steep learning curve. However, its modular “Lego blocks” approach, where various small pieces www.selleckchem.com/products/KU-60019.html of standard code can be put together by individual modelers within a loose modelling framework, has proven to be flexible and efficient to address widely different questions (cf. e.g., BEZ235 mw tutorials
and publications list on www.flr-project.org). JAKFISH scientists also tested other types of communication tools, developing innovative types of graphs and figures to describe the results and their uncertainties (e.g., Bayesian influence diagrams), and using clear model description tools such as the pedigree matrices. The Baltic case study built on an integrated Bayesian framework, which did include an interactive and attractive interface (Hugin) for the initial conceptual phase of mental modelling [85]. For this particular purpose, the interface proved appropriate and appreciated. Despite its attractiveness, the interface was not operated by the stakeholders themselves but served only to support the discussion around model development.
In summary, there are many ways to communicate around modelling issues triclocarban within a participatory modelling process; different tools have emerged. It is recommended to follow guidelines, or formalized approaches, to facilitate a structured dialogue, because a functioning communication between modelers and stakeholders is important. Although being time-consuming and beyond the traditional scientific tasks, functioning communication constitutes an absolute requirement for successful participatory modelling. So far, participatory modelling is a relatively new approach in European natural resource governance with only few exercises that have been carried out. It is foremost an object of research, not an approved method. The four JAKFISH case studies shed light on possible ways, their pros and cons to put the concept into practice. A variety of types, forms and tools of participatory modelling were identified and tested in case studies over a one to three year time frame.