At the heart of this approach is the translational selleck EPZ-5676 research framework,15 16 which allows us to utilise different quantitative and qualitative methods while benefiting from the experience and expertise of multidisciplinary consortium members. Figure 1 ‘Inverted Cone’ design of EQUIPT for evidence transfer within the Translational Research Framework (ROI, Return on Investment). Study participants Four countries in Europe—Germany, Spain, Hungary and the Netherlands—are included as evidence-receiving countries (ie, sample countries). The choice of sample countries is deliberate and represents a wide array of potential transferability factors, which may
then help to make statements for other European countries outside this sample. Geographically, this sample covers the whole continuum from West to East and North to South and includes a wide range of cultural, behavioural, economic and other issues which may
be considered when transferring evidence from one country to another. It is anticipated that other countries not considered in EQUIPT are likely to show outcome-relevant characteristics which are similar to at least one of the sample countries. Collaborating institutions This study is funded by the Framework Seven Programme (FP7) of the European Community and co-ordinated by the Health Economics Research Group at Brunel University (UK). The collaborating
institutions in the sample countries are: the Caphri School for Public Health and Primary Care at Maastricht University (the Netherlands), the Institute of Health Economics and Health Care Management at Helmholtz Zentrum München (Germany); the Syreon Research Institute (Hungary) and the Centre for Research in Health and Economics, Pompeu Fabra University (Spain). A wide range of institutions collaborate to provide multidisciplinary inputs required by the study: the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (UK), LeLan Solutions (UK); the National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training (UK), the European Network for Smoking and Tobacco Prevention (Belgium); the Agency for Quality and Accreditation in Health Care and Social Welfare (Croatia) Carfilzomib and the NHS Bristol Primary Care Trust (UK) on behalf of Smokefree South West, Tobacco Free Futures and FRESH North East. Interventions EQUIPT will consider the following two groups of interventions: Smoking cessation interventions to include behavioural interventions, pharmacotherapy and mixed (behavioural+pharmacotherapy) implemented at the individual smoker level. Tobacco control interventions to include smoking prevention and cessation interventions targeted at the population level.