5 To the best of our knowledge, there are no published clinical s

5 To the best of our knowledge, there are no published clinical studies carried out in the Portuguese population, evaluating both the prescription of gastroprotective agents in patients receiving NSAIDs and the influence of gastrointestinal risk factors in this prescription at a Primary Care setting, with only one published study that evaluated Ribociclib cost the gastroprotection use among NSAIDs admissions using hospital records in a Tertiary Care setting.6 The aim of this study was to feature Family Physicians’ clinical practice

in Portugal, regarding both the identification of gastrointestinal risks and the prevention of NSAIDs complications, namely the recognition of gastrointestinal complications’ this website risk factors and the impact of those risk factors in the decision of prescribing gastroprotective therapy. Observational, cross-sectional study, conducted according to methods generally used for research interview-based studies

using a random sample. The study population consisted of Family Physicians registered in Districts from the north (Porto), centre (Coimbra), south (Faro/Portimão) and the capital city of Portugal (Lisbon). Prime Focus (Lisbon, Portugal), a specialized company in Market Research Studies, provided the database used for the sample selection. The sample size (estimated to ensure a 5% error margin and a 95% confidence interval) was 300 interviews; 300 randomly selected Family Physicians from the above-cited C1GALT1 regions were included, stratified in a non-proportional

way, based on the variable “Region”, to ensure a minimum basis of 30 responders in Coimbra and in Faro/Portimão. The measuring tool used was a non-validated questionnaire developed by the authors of the manuscript on a consensus base and consisted of open questions about perceived rates of patients’ medications, complaints, symptoms and gastroprotection use and also spontaneous and pre-specified answers about knowledge on gastrointestinal risk factors. The questionnaire was applied on a personal interview basis, by well-trained professionals. The questionnaire was fulfilled by the interviewer according to the physician’s answers, with mean interview duration of 20 min. After three unsuccessful phone contacts, another randomized doctor, under the same conditions as those used for the remaining sample, replaced the former doctor. Participation in the interview was voluntary, confidential and anonymous and there was no financial compensation as a result of the participation in the study. All variables analyzed were valued on their perceived existence or intention-to-treat by the Family Physician.

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