1). Genera incertae sedis The following five genera have not yet been sequenced and their phylogenetic position and assignment to subfamilies and tribes is uncertain: Amazonotrema Kalb and Lücking (possibly in tribe Ocellularieae or Thelotremateae). Anomalographis Kalb (affinities unknown). Gymnographopsis C.W. Dodge (affinities unknown but possibly in a clade together with Kalbographa and Sarcographina). Phaeographopsis Sipman (possibly in tribe Thelotremateae). Sarcographina Müll. Arg. (affinities unknown but possibly in a clade
together with Gymnographopsis and Kalbographa). New Genera Clandestinotrema Rivas Plata, Lücking and Lumbsch, gen. nov. MycoBank 563415. Genus novum familiae Graphidaceae subfamiliae Fissurinoideae. Ascomata rotundata, immersa vel erumpentia. Excipulum click here PF-562271 nmr carbonisatum; cum vel sine columella. Hamathecium non-amyloideum et asci non-amyloidei. Ascospori transversaliter septati vel muriformes, incolorati, non-amyloidei, lumina angulari in forma trypethelioidea. Acidi lichenum desunt vel adicum sticticum continens. Type: Clandestinotrema
clandestinum (Ach.) Rivas Plata, Lücking and Lumbsch The genus name is a combination based on the epithet of the type species, clandestina, and the suffix -trema. Thallus white-grey to yellow-grey, smooth to uneven, ecorticate or with dense, prosoplectenchymatous cortex; photobiont
layer and medulla with clusters of calcium oxalate crystals usually above and between photobiont cells. Apothecia immersed to erumpent, rounded to angular; disc TCL usually covered by narrow pore and filled by brown-black, often white-pruinose columella; margin entire to fissured-lobulate, fused, brown-black. Columella usually present, mostly carbonized. Excipulum prosoplectenchymatous, mostly carbonized. Periphysoids absent. Paraphyses unbranched. Ascospores usually 8/ascus, ellipsoid, with thick septa and diamond-shaped lumina (Trypethelium-type), colorless, I– (non-amyloid), 3-septate to (sub-)muriform. Secondary chemistry: no substances or stictic acid and satellites (then thallus section with K + yellow efflux under the microscope). This new genus comprises the Ocellularia clandestina group as first circumscribed by Frisch et al. (2006). The genus is well-characterized by a combination of Ocellularia-type apothecia (usually carbonized and with columella, lacking periphysoids) and non-amyloid ascospores with diamond-shaped lumina (trypethelioid). The phylogenetic placement in the Fissurina-clade (subfamily Fissurinoideae) comes as surprise, NU7026 order especially as the apothecia closely resemble non-related species in Ocellularia s.lat. (e.g. Ocellularia pyrenuloides, Melanotrema spp.; Rivas Plata and Lumbsch 2011a; Rivas Plata et al. 2011b).