The ionic mechanisms underlying this offset firing were investigated by studying the conductances activated around resting membrane potentials (RMP: −59.9 ± 0.9mV; n = 82). A general characterization of the SPN neurons under voltage clamp in vitro showed that they possessed large sustained outward potassium currents in response to depolarization, including tetraethyl ammonium-sensitive Kv3 high voltage-activated currents and low voltage-activated, dendrotoxin-I sensitive Kv1 currents. Under current clamp SPN neurons had rapid time-course overshooting
APs (absolute amplitude: 12.1 ± 1.5mV; half-width: 0.36 ± 0.02 ms, n = 72, see also Figure S1, available online). Sound-evoked firing in neurons of the MNTB and SPN show a reciprocal relationship. Presentation of a contralateral Selleckchem Fasudil Microtubule Associated inhibitor pure-tone stimulus at the characteristic frequency (CF) for an MNTB neuron gives continuous high-frequency AP firing for the duration of the stimulation, but firing is suppressed below spontaneous
activity after the end of the sound (Figure 1D). MNTB AP firing exceeds spontaneous levels as sound intensity (0 to 80 dB SPL) passes threshold and monotonically increases until reaching a plateau firing rate (Figure 1D). The opposite occurs in the SPN; sound stimulation suppresses all firing during the sound but triggers offset firing after cessation of the sound (Figure 1E) with the number of APs continuously increasing with sound intensity (beyond threshold). Stimulation of the MNTB activated endogenous inhibition in SPN neurons in vitro, followed by offset APs (100 Hz train for 100 ms, Figure 1H, upper trace, see also Figure S2). Thus, acoustic stimulation, hyperpolarizing current injection, and electrically evoked IPSPs all resulted in Resminostat similar offset
firing. These results confirm the uniformity of evoked offset firing in both in vivo and in vitro recordings and support the use of in vitro methods to identify the ionic basis of SPN offset firing. IPSCs triggered by MNTB stimulation are blocked by the glycine receptor antagonist strychnine (1 μM), confirming the origin and transmitter of this inhibitory synaptic projection (Figure 1G). In vivo recordings confirm that evoked glycinergic IPSPs trigger offset firing but do not exclude the possibility that EPSPs might also be involved. To test this hypothesis we used repetitive IPSPs evoked by electrical stimulation of the MNTB in vitro in the presence of AMPAR and NMDAR antagonists (50 μM AP5, 10 μM CNQX). Under these conditions, well-timed offset APs were generated (Figure 1H, middle trace) as the membrane potential rapidly depolarized back to resting levels at the end of the train, thus confirming that excitatory synaptic transmission was not necessary for offset firing.