(PACE 2010; 414-419) “
“The objective of this article was to

(PACE 2010; 414-419).”
“The objective of this article was to evaluate the psychometric properties of the translated Lebanese Arabic version of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-C30 in a sample of adult cancer patients in Lebanon.

The EORTC QLQ-C30 was translated into Lebanese Arabic and administered Proteasome assay to a convenient sample of 200 adult patients diagnosed

with cancer at a tertiary care center in Lebanon between 2009 and 2010. The psychometric indices assessed were reliability, multitrait scaling analysis, construct validity, and confirmatory factor analysis.

Six out of nine subscales had Cronbach’s alpha coefficients above 0.70. Multitrait scaling selleck analysis showed that all item-scale correlation coefficients met the set standards of convergent validity with the exception of item 5 only (95.8 %). In addition, 79.7 % of the item-scale correlation coefficients met the criterion for discriminant validity. In inter-scale correlations, all conceptually related scales had correlation coefficients of a parts per thousand yen0.40 with the exception of role functioning and fatigue scales having an undesirable correlation coefficient of -0.76. In known-groups comparison, the instrument differentiated significantly between some of the subscales with respect to education, employment, and age. CFA showed an almost

good fit (GFI = 0.87) with respect to our current data set.

The translated Lebanese Ricolinostat datasheet Arabic version of the EORTC QLQ-C30 is a reliable and valid instrument that can be used to assess the quality of life of Lebanese cancer patients.”
“PURPOSE: To evaluate

the outcomes of cataract surgery in children with chronic uveitis.

SETTING: Massachusetts Eye Research and Surgery Institution, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

METHODS: This retrospective chart review was of patients younger than 17 years with a history of uveitis who had cataract surgery before June 2004.

RESULTS: Thirty-four children (41 eyes) were identified. The mean age of the 10 boys and 24 girls was 9.8 years (range 4 to 17 years) and the mean total follow-up, 4.1 years (range 0.3 to 15.7 years). Twenty-one children had juvenile idiopathic arthritis-associated uveitis, 7 had pars planitis, and 6 had other conditions. Sixteen patients had concomitant posterior segment pathology, 25 received perioperative immunomodulatory therapy, and 13 had intraocular lens (IOL) implantation. The postoperative best corrected visual acuity improved in 35 of 41 eyes; 31 eyes had an improvement of 3.6 lines at 1 year. Most patients (92%) improved after IOL implantation. Most patients (88%) who received immunomodulatory therapy attained better vision, but this was not statistically significant compared with those who did not (P = .47). Similarly, there was no statistically significant difference between those with posterior pathology and those without.

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